Using Email

Recently I've been on a email-cleaning binge that mostly involves unsubscribing from everything I routinely ignore. This got me thinking about how I use my email and I realized what I should have been doing (and what I will do going forward):

It's so simple and obvious but in the past I don't think I cared enough about the issue to come up with this 2. This makes my inbox essentially a todo list, one I frequently look at. As such, I'm unlikely to completely forget to do any of the items on it.

  1. In gmail this is archiving 3 them. In protonmail this is either moving them to a folder OR archiving them 4.

  2. also, it's clearly more work than my old method of "hoping I remember to reply to one email among thousands".

  3. For an inbox that isn't new you'll want to bulk archive messages. This is somewhat awkward, but not too difficult. You'll want to follow his instructions for each tab in your mailbox.

  4. I haven't been using protonmail long enough to need to learn how to bulk archive.